Berlin 19.03.2010

Programm und Abstracts

G. Geserick (Berlin, Germany)

S. Pollak (Freiburg, Germany)
Greeting from the President

A. Schmeling (Münster, Germany)
Analysis of the 10th proficiency test

S. De Froidmont, C. Palmiere, T. Uldin (Lausanne, Geneva, Switzerland)
Forensic age estimation in living subjects: The West Switzerland University Center of Legal Medicine’s experience

J. Hollnberger, R. Neumann, R. Arnold, A. Hansch, W.A. Kaiser, E.-G. Mall (Jena, Germany)
Evaluation of ossification of the medial clavicular epiphysis using neck and thoracic MRI

S. Black (Dundee, Great Britain)
Age in the living, the UK in the present and in the future

V. Lucas (London, Great Britain)
DAA: the 10 year threshold with a note on estimating probability with multiple teeth

M. Yadava (London, Great Britain)
Third molar mineralization: a study in a Portuguese Populatio

G. Roberts (London, Great Britain)
Problems with DAA - The errors introduced by stage H. Appropriate censoring of age data

A. Olze, B.R. Pynn, V. Kraul, R. Schulz, A. Heinecke, A. Schmeling (Berlin, Germany; Thunder Bay, Canada; Münster, Germany)
Dental age estimation based on third molar development in First Nations people of Canada

S. Kvaal (Oslo, Norway)
Age estimation of adults from dental radiographs - revisited

A. Fuhrmann, A. Otte-Witte (Hamburg, Germany)
Age estimation from orthopantomograms - Combined evaluation of third molar mineralization and alveolar bone loss to assess the completion of the 18th year of age

T. Solheim, R. Schulz, M. Kupfer, A. Schmeling, A. Olze (Oslo, Norway; Münster, Berlin, Germany)
Radiographic visibility of the root pulp in lower third molars

M. Andrade, H. Cardoso (Lisbon, Porto, Portugal)
Can we combine dental and skeletal age estimates when assessing biological age?

K. Trübner, M. Trübner, M. Werner, B. Hauffa (Essen, Germany)
A case of unexplained hyposomia within the framework of forensic age diagnostics

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