Schmeling A (Münster, Germany)
Schmeling A (Münster, Germany)
Analysis of the 14th proficiency test
Thodberg HH (Holte, Denmark) [PDF] Abstract
Automated bone age determination from hand X-rays up to 19 years for boys and 18 years for girls – methodology and results.
Lynnerup N (Copenhagen, Denmark) [PDF] Presentation
The use of Tanner staging in age determination.
Thevissen P, Lee S-S, Bernitz H, Fieuws S, Willems G (Leuven, Belgium; Pretoria, South Africa)
Ongoing country specific third molar development data collection and analysis: Black South-Africa added.
Arge S, Tangmose Larsen S, Dyrgaard N, Lynnerup N (Copenhagen, Denmark)
When the 3rd molars are missing.
Dahlberg PS (Oslo, Norway) [PDF] Presentation
DNA methylation analysis as an additional tool in age estimation.
Rudolf E (Attnang-Puchheim, Austria) [PDF] Presentation
Chasing forensic age assessment. Reference literature on specific criticism.
Mörnstad H (Båstad, Sweden) [PDF] Presentation
The status of "medical age estimations" in Sweden.
Mörnstad H (Båstad, Sweden) [PDF] Presentation
Presentation of an excel-program producing pooled probabilities of tooth and hand examinations in graphics.
Liversidge H (London, UK)
Cross section vs. longitudinal data and age estimation.
Ottow C, Schulz R, Pfeiffer H, Heindel W, Schmeling A, Vieth V (Münster, Germany)
Forensic age diagnostics by magnetic resonance imaging of the knee.
Ekizoglu O (Izmir, Turkey) [PDF] Presentation
An overview of research on forensic age estimation in living individuals: experiences of Bakirkoy Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul.
de Haas M, van Wijk M (Den Haag, The Netherlands)
Age Assessment in the Netherlands.
Schmeling A (Münster, Germany)
Closing remarks